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Sign The Petition To Start Our Campaign To Attempt To Reform South Caroina Sex Offense Laws

South Carolina State Senate: Reform Sex Offender Laws In South Carolina - Sign the Petition! https://www.change.org/p/south-carolina-state...

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Romeo, Juliet and Jury Nullification

The most profound form of "stranger danger" apparent in the nation's criminal justice system arises not in the form of a sexual predator lurking in the shadows. No, the stranger who presents the gravest danger to our society is the lawmaker, judge or prosecutor who seeks to transform the criminal justice system into a blind assembly line. Only if we the people take back the power that is rightfully ours can justice be done.

Consider the so-called Romeo and Juliet laws criminalizing consensual sexual contact between young people when one of the participants is below the age of consent. 

Laws raising the age of consent to 16, 17 and 18 years of age were enacted throughout the United States in the late nineteenth century in response to rapid industrialization. There was a fear that young girls leaving their homes in rural communities would be subjected to danger in the cities where factory jobs were plentiful. Activists responded by insisting that the age of consent be raised from 10 and 11 years old. The law was passed not to prohibit acts of curiosity or even love between young people. It was to protect the young from stranger danger.

These laws are still on the books today, and many a young person is now in prison, a felon, a lifetime registrant as a sex offender or otherwise consigned to the indefinite purgatory known as sex offender treatment for the simple act of sexual curiosity. We put these young people on trial and never let the jury know what the consequences of a guilty verdict entail.

When these crimes are charged, a defendant is cast into the criminal justice system. And it is at this point that the newest form of stranger danger takes place. Jurors are often told only what must be proven by the state to find a defendant guilty. Jurors are given no, or, depending on the jurisdiction, little responsibility for punishment. We ask jurors to determine guilt in a vacuum, divorcing the crime from the consequences of being found guilty of it. This is moral cowardice.

The result is a system in which no one really accepts responsibility for what happens to a young person at trial. Lawmakers pass laws in their legislative sanctuary without any particular knowledge of the person on whose neck the law's yoke will fall. This one size fits all approach often works injustice.

Judges then turn their back on justice when a defendant appears before them. If lawmakers mandate a mandatory minimum sentence, then a judge imposes it. The judge disclaims responsibility taking the judicial version of the Nuremberg defense: he or she is, after all, just following orders.

Prosecutors, too, turn away from the consequences of their acts. Legislators create the crimes and penalties. Prosecutors just move the widgets down justice's conveyor belt.

In this way, government becomes unaccountable. When three branches of government -- the legislature, the courts and the executive in the form of the prosecution -- all turn their backs on one another, link arms, and dance a chaotic jig the result is hardly a thing of beauty.

So where do defendants turn for justice? It used to be a jury was told it was free to serve as judge not just of the facts, that is whether something occurred, but also of the law, to wit: whether the law was correctly applied. Almost every state now disapproves of jury nullification, as do the federal courts.

My sense is that we need to revisit jury nullification. Folks involved in combating the excesses of the nation's failed war on drugs have done good work in focusing attention on jury nullification. Those in the reform community on sex offender laws need to forge a link with with drug law reformers and spread the word that jury nullification, i.e., teaching juries about the consequences of what they do and of their right to refuse to be conscripted as assembly-line workers engaged in the detached work of finding so-called facts regardless of the consequences, is an important American tradition that must be revived.

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Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Power Of The Pen To Change Unfair Sex Offender Laws In South Carolina

Senator Jake Knox (x) with his brash arrogant action changed the offender registration from annually to every six months in South Carolina. We got to control these sex offenders. So Adolf Hitler got his good old boys to oppress us even more. What is so interesting  is he is a sex offender, but just not convicted of getting sexual favors from under aged girls. Like many of the legislatures who push the laws of hysteria they hide their own fetishes. Matthew 7 says why do you get mote out of your brothers eye but have plank in yours? (splinter)

Bill Clinton for example who raped but hid behind the pen of the President to use legislation to relieve his guilt.

What am I saying? There is power in the pen, not just for those who do wrong and hide behind the power of prestige but us the average person who has become the oppressed by unfair laws intended for the extreme cases. South Carolina is a state with, catch all offenses, with poor classifications and a arbitrary tier system.

Every law and change runs retroactive and punishes us to a greater degree. Guess what? You and I let it happen! What are you going to do families of sex offenders, sex offenders, American citizens? Illegal aliens entering into our country have more rights than we do and are not scorned and are breaking the laws of our land. We, on the other hand have a never ending sentence and have to report our continued whereabouts.

Power of the pen got Jake Knox voted out of office with 5000 votes of sex offenders and families with the power of the pen. Bill Clinton on the other hand, it to will come and has.

  • James Mets reaped his reward of thinking he was above the law and unfairly published sex offenders over two counties with the great Leon Lott, whom forget about his shady past as a narcotic officer in the 80's, that got one out of office and the other is soon to come. We have power of the pen and our families which is enough to start making a change. 

Many people are sucked in by the laws that are unfairly executed with situations that does not fit the killer monster of the start of the Megan Sex Offender Laws. I to, would have executed the pedophile that rapes and murders. For those whom molest children need help. But we all have been grouped into one category, ""Dangerous Sex Offenders Looking to prey on children!!"

Lets come together and pool resources for the reform of South Carolina Sex Offender Laws.
contact seekingjustice@zoho.com

“Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.”
Frederick Douglass