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South Carolina State Senate: Reform Sex Offender Laws In South Carolina - Sign the Petition! https://www.change.org/p/south-carolina-state...

Friday, October 11, 2019

If New Sexual Misconduct (SEX OFFENDER) Accusation Against Kavanaugh Emerges Whats The Point

OK THE POINT?.... Deborah Ramirez, the sheltered Catholic school girl who reportedly encountered a heavily intoxicated Kavanaugh at a Yale University dorm party where he drunkenly “pulled down his pants and thrust his penis at her, prompting her to swat it away and inadvertently touch it.”

Sadly if this happened we need to look at the positive of healing and changed behaviors. I have been to enough alcohol stupor parties to know we ALL have been in place of conduct unacceptable in the normal state of mind. The mind does not mature until the late 30's and 40's without alcohol. 

I assure you, what I considered at 22 as acceptable is not what I deemed as acceptable when I was 42.

What in this is trying to be accomplished? Financial gain, most likely, ruin lives, vengeance. 

For a penis in someone’s hand certainly is not what I have had to struggle with for thirty (30) years. Government restraint and labeled as a “SEX OFFENDER”. for taking a plea for an act of adolescent immaturity, convinced to take by a skilled attorney, prejudice of judges, hysteria of legislatures, misinformed society.

I hope the Supreme Court, which some say his appointment to is a shame, strikes down these unconstitutional forever draconian laws which are based off emotion from a bad isolated act of a serial killer. Such laws mandate throwing others in this extreme category for sex texting, streaking, overzealous passes, Romeo and Juliet relationships; the list goes on without attention to the intended purpose of monitoring pedophiles who are predators within in their own family.

OK, let’s say the act happened. What now? Do you live your life on never maturing to be a better contributor to society? Is this all about the right wing Trump haters never giving up! What about Clarence Thomas, Bill Clinton, Michael Jackson, and the list goes on, because when we are a sex craze society and we undermine the moral conscience of forgiving others as we want to be forgiven.

We never right wrong with great stories of change, retribution and repentance.

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